Future Image Group: An Introduction
FIG was created to address the human element in the professional environment. It was and is built specifically for forward thinking organizations interested in investing in their teams’ ability to initiate, develop, sustain and nurture business relationships: internally and externally.
We have crafted a proprietary curriculum designed specifically for professionals interested in gaining insights, increased self awareness of how they perceive themselves, how they are received by others, and importantly, how to ‘up their game’ when interacting with their co-workers.
Developed through 35+ years of experience in the corporate environment, psychological, sociological and generational research and the pragmatic solutions of CBT (cognitive behavior therapy), our work reminds our clients that employees are complex, multi faceted individuals each with their own Super Powers and Kryptonite.
We’ve all heard the phrase “Problem Children,” and we can all probably think of someone: a co-worker, a manager, someone in leadership etc., who fits this characterization, right?
Since its inception 7 years ago, we’ve witnessed (and proven!) that 95% of most of the concerns we’ve seen in companies and the corporate clients we work with are HUMAN ones: employee to employee, employee to management, management to employee, management to management. They were hired because they had skills and talents that brought value to an organization but sometimes their ‘human’ gets in the way of effectively doing their job.
“These two won’t work together,” “so-and-so is having trouble managing his emotions,” “this person isn’t playing by the rules,” “that person continuously misses deadlines,” “employee A has awesome skills, but lacks confidence and it’s getting in the way of performing the job,” “employee B is chronically late,” “employee C is just obnoxious,”.....you get the general idea…..
Personalities, personal opinions, discord, unintended biases, differing approaches to work and professional standards, fears of speaking up, and communication issues are all Human Issues: there are reasons for them, there are solutions for them and FIG has those solutions,
On average, it costs $170,000 to replace a terminated team member (depending on the level of seniority) - PER EMPLOYEE. We believe that the wise, professional, proactive, humanitarian and cost effective(!) approach to these challenging personality situations (and we all have them!) is to understand the dilemma, provide tools for them to be resolved, and move on.
Morale increases when employees understand themselves, others and have the solutions and tools to move forward. FIG guides management, staff, personnel, humans to a key understanding and observations of the issues and provides them actionable resources to implement change. Our clients have shared that the techniques, skills and awareness they’ve adopted by working with FIG, have served them for the rest of their careers.
Future Image Group does not have decision making authority (hiring or firing). Therefore, the clients we work with are safe to disclose their troubles and challenges without fear of recrimination to their Coach. FIG assesses where the disconnect exists, offers implementable solutions and resources to resolve them. FIG acts as a 3rd party, objective analysis to obstacles in the workplace, using an unbiased, evenhanded, non-judgemental approach with the ONLY goal of creating a stronger, more efficient, and more cohesive workplace.
Look; It’s not management’s job to mediate sticky (usually personal) personnel issues - but it IS their job to recognize there’s a problem and find a solution. FIG is that solution. It IS our job to tease apart issues and redevelop concrete skills as well as important ‘soft’ (we would say: imperative!) interpersonal skills. Future Image Group works with organizations of all sizes to guide executives, managers, associates and line workers, by teaching them how to bring a personal element back to their employment by incorporating professional expectations and standards of conduct through the human element, by exploring generational differences and all too common characteristics such as misconceptions, miscommunications, and unintended biases, all of which can derail the effective cohesion of a team.
This approach of using a scalpel to address specific challenges as opposed to a sledgehammer by termination, we help create the enormous benefit of a well centered, self aware, confident team who are relieved of the stress of having unresolved issues with coworkers, who appreciate their employer’s support and confidence in their continued personal/professional development, values their strengths, realize we ALL have areas for improvement and who understand we all need help succeeding sometimes.
“What FIG brings to the workplace is perhaps the most necessary and valuable tool a company can provide to its employees for the health and sustainability of the organization.
Meet Randell
In the 15 years Randell worked as a legal headhunter, she noticed a dramatic & alarming trend: people were losing the ability and skill to pursue, develop, & maintain interpersonal business relationships. She discovered that researchers at institutions such as MIT, Harvard, and the University of Michigan had independently arrived at similar conclusions.
who are we
Future Image Group is a thought leader with an implementable solution that shifts professional perspectives in the way we think about professional relationships. Business is done because of and through professional relationships.