
third-party professional mediation services

Barbara Randell, The Founder and President of Future Image Group, is an experienced and talented third party mediator with a track record of success when helping teams navigate tricky issues to achieve successful outcomes.

why hire a third-party mediator?


Sometimes, even when practicing the most intentional face-to-face communication, conflict can arise. When conflict arises, even in professional settings, oftentimes emotions come into play and people react based on their feelings and not based on logic. Hiring a third-party mediator means hiring someone who can help the conflicting parties reach a successful outcome by teasing reality away from emotion, and helping individuals compromise based on facts. When you have someone who doesn’t have a stake in the conflict leading the discussion, it removes all question of bias.

cross-industry professional mediation services

Whether you’re in finance, tech, the creative industries, or anything in between, Barbara Randell has experience that can aid your team in communicating on a factual level to come to compromise and agreement. Randell has worked with bands, transportation companies, law firms, and more to guide participants through the tricky waters of contentious conversations.


case study: third-party professional mediation in action


Recently, Randell has worked with Denver band Float Like a Buffalo to guide them via third-party mediation through the process of forming an operations agreement for their LLC. The group, with 7 strong opinions, had difficulties coming to an agreement on issues of licensing, finances, and direction. Through mediation with Randell, the band members were able to differentiate between their personal emotions and form an operations agreement that serves as a strong business document foundation for their future endeavors.