Success Story - Float Like a Buffalo

denver’s premier funk-rock band

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Recently, Randell has worked with Denver band Float Like a Buffalo to guide them via third-party mediation through the process of forming an operations agreement for their LLC.

The group, with 7 strong opinions, had difficulties coming to an agreement on issues of licensing, finances, and direction. Through mediation with Randell, the band members were able to differentiate between their personal emotions and form an operations agreement that serves as a strong business document foundation for their future endeavors.

These differences in opinion and emotional ways of making business decisions were affecting all parts of the band’s operations, and any attempt to resolve these issues internally only made matters worse. People got defensive and felt personally attacked, when in reality… it was just business. Nothing personal, nothing emotional. The only solution to this problem was to find someone in a third party position, with no skin in the game, to hold a forum and help the individuals in Float Like a Buffalo learn to discuss business in a professional, respectful, and non-emotional way.

That’s where Randell came in. She was able to break these major decisions and problems down into bite-sized, easy-to-tackle pieces. Then, the 7 members of the band, their manager, and Randell began having regular meetings to not only work through the present issues, but to also establish the relevant legal documents, amendments, and foundational pieces for the formation of the LLC and the Articles of Organization. Float Like a Buffalo continues to meet with Randell as they continue to have success and new business hurdles arise.