“It is reason, and not passion, which must guide our deliberations, guide our debate, and guide our decision." - Barbara Jordan
Thinking rationally: teasing fact from emotion
In the world at large, a vast majority of people in professional spaces have developed the bad habit of reacting from a place of emotion instead of a place of logic and rationality. Certain generations in the workspace have never had to learn to tease these two things apart. We throw around the saying, “It’s nothing personal - it’s business,” all the time, but what does that truly mean? Learning to take critical feedback without an emotional response and to apply that feedback in a constructive manner creates a more efficient and happier office situation. Learning this skill in the office will also translate to employees’ personal lives, helping them to evaluate and and control their proper reaction to situations outside of their control.
Get started today
This is a process. It will take time, effort, and commitment. But, it is not hard once we’re over the fear of the unknown. If you know what you are afraid of, you can look it straight in the eye and work through it. The process will undoubtedly bring a level of richness, reward, and personal satisfaction through learning how to connect to each other as human beings and professionals.