
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Yep, We're Going There!

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Yep, We're Going There!

Whew! A HUGE topic - have you heard it? DEI? It's a subject permeating just about every organizations’ leadership or future planning discussion that we’ve been honored to be a part of - everyone’s talking about it. This movement is a “thing,” folks: a critically important, long overdue focus on what our organizations stand for, believe in, and espouse which we covered from a different angle a couple of weeks ago. This imperative discussion and focus is WAY late, frankly, but, at least we’re finally acknowledging, recognizing and emphasizing the gravity and significance of the topic. At least we’re talking about DEI.

Oi! But HOW? The “why” is obvious: this country is (overstating the obvious) diverse! So ought to be businesses. But why are the topics so hard to talk about? Why has it taken us so long to engage with each other about them in the workplace specifically? What gives?