start with why

The Three Why's of Wisdom

The Three Why's of Wisdom

We recently listened to a TED talk by Ricardo Semler (FIG’s new hero!) and were blown away by the parallels to something we’ve talked about in past offerings rather a lot. He believes that if “we simply ask why we do things and devolve power to employees, we’re able to to create wiser companies - ones that are simultaneously more productive and have a happier workforce.” In the talk, he discusses the 3 “whys” we as professionals ought to be asking ourselves. He says “the first “why”: you always have a good answer for. The second “why”: it starts getting difficult. By the third “why”: you don't really know why you're doing what you're doing.

Ahh yes, that elusive “WHY!” Why is “why” so important? One of the most pervasive questions we received developing FIG 6 years ago was, “What’s your “why”’ for starting this thing? It’s an important inquiry, and one which has taken a ton of intentional introspection, thought and time to answer. It’s an evolutionary process that has expanded in nuance as FIG has matured; But enough about our company. Let’s dig in and talk about “why,” shall we?

FIG Role Model Spotlight – Simon Sinek

FIG Role Model Spotlight – Simon Sinek

Chances are good that you’ve heard of Simon Sinek. Sinek is an accomplished author, trained ethnographer, sought-after motivational speaker, and visionary thinker. He’s done TED Talks, has an astronomically popular YouTube channel, and has written multiple bestselling books including Start with Why and Leaders Eat LastSinek is also one of the accepted leaders on inter-generational relations, especially working with Millennials and young professionals.