
Me Time...

Me Time...

Have you ever experienced 7 day work weeks? Ever used weekends to get a jump start on preparing for the upcoming excitements of the work week ahead? Ever felt like a slacker upon receiving an email, phone call or work text on a weekend? At 6am? At 9pm? “Eeeek! Someone is working and the implied imperative to respond is too great to ignore? A colleague is busy and requires an answer right now!

Yeah, us too.

"Give a Man a Fish..."

"Give a Man a Fish..."

“…..and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."


Overstating the obvious, Confucius was a smart guy.

Torturing the fishing metaphor a bit: learning to set a hook, choosing or making bait, the art of casting, reeling, landing, cleaning and filleting a fish all are easy skills to write down, but in practice, take an enormous amount of time, tutelage, patience, practice and more practice. We don’t become mature, capable anglers without first sticking ourselves with an errant hook, get grossed out by baiting a hook with a worm, losing a fish on the line or winding up falling in the water. Right? Then we land our first one! And we replay the experience in our heads: what worked? The bait? The location? Time of day? How can we replicate what worked so we can catch another and another and another to feed ourselves for a lifetime?